
'Jäkälää' vanhoista pöytäliinoista. Hollantilaisen Miranda Vissersin ympäristötaidetta Juminkeossa vuoden loppuun
Kainuun Sanomat 9th of October 2024: interview with Roosa Pierinen on occasion of the exhibition 'Journey to Pohjola' in Juminkeko.

Ympäristötaiteilija luo 'jäkälää' kierrätetyistä materiaaleista
Kuhmolainen Newspaper 8th of October 2024: interview with Roosa Pierinen on occasion of the exhibition 'Journey to Pohjola' in Juminkeko.

Geleend Landschap
Article in Dutch textile magazine Vezel 2024-1 about the work process and materials used in the exhibition 'Geleend Landschap'.

Article on art work made for Sarestoniemi Museum in Finnish Lapland. Vezel magazine, 43-2023-3.

Vereniging Nederland -Finland 100 jaar. ISSN 1566-8452, 2023, book contribution.
Kunst in Kakslautanen
Article and photographs of work period and exhibition in Finnish Lapland. Text by Jan Vissers. Aviisi 2023-1.

The Changing Seasons
Article and photographs of work period and exhibition in Finnish Lapland. Finnish text by Eeva Kriek-Tuovinen. Aviisi 2022-1.

Article in Dutch textile magazine. Vezel 42-2022-4.

The seven deadly hats
Interview by Adèle Janssen-Peeters published in Dutch and English edition of Hatlines magazine, 2022-77

Into The Woods
Photographs of textile artworks in nature and their source of inspiration. Artist book 2021.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: English
- Size: A4
- Number of pages: 34
Kaikkea vanhaa ei tarvitse hylätä
Lapin Kansa, Interview by Katja Palmquist, 8 September 2021.

Kalevala ja taide yhdistävat
Koti Lappi, Article by Kemijärvi Kalevallaiset Naiset ry, 8 September 2021.

Objects made of fur hats representing the seven deadly sins with photographs of the Lappish landscape that inspired them. Artist Book 2021.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: A4
- Number of pages: 32

Broken Landscape
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Broken Landscape in Art Gallery De Kunstkamer at Hoogeloon, with an introduction by art historian Liesbeth Schreuder, September 2015.
- Text: Liesbeth Schreuder
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 15 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 12
- Number of copies: 200
Broken Landscape
Text by art historian Liesbeth Schreuder, introduction of the publication Broken Landscape, September 2015.
Miranda Vissers: Broken Landscape
Nowadays the boundaries between disciplines in contemporary art are less sharply demarcated than before. Artists today express themselves freely, using and combining different media to communicate and these media are no longer limited to canvas or panel as in the past. For objects and installations there are no more limitations in choice of material; it is most important that artists allow themselves the freedom to experiment with all kinds of material and tools that lend themselves to the moment or help to express their thoughts.
This freedom offers infinite options to visualize ideas; with the ultimate choice determining the meaning of the work created. It becomes important that the spectator investigates the materials used and the techniques applied in order to fully comprehend the meaning of the work. Repetitions, rhythm, forms, textures - all contribute to the ultimate meaning and often contribute more than the simple representation of the art work.
The art works of Miranda Vissers (1956) accord with this concept. She makes use of different disciplines; she is a photographer and a painter, and she makes drawings, objects and installations. Moreover, she uses and reuses materials or objects by painting them or adding things to them. A distinguishing feature is the way she presents her art work: in series; organized according to material and colour; special combinations; rhythm; repetition.
Throughout her life Miranda has collected an impressive archive of natural materials, stones, branches, bones and shells as well as objects that are not used anymore or have become useless, such as old doors, textiles and postage stamps. Her digital photography archive contains a series of photographs of landscapes, weathered stones, bark and mosses. A collection mirroring the world surrounding her and her memories. The meaning lies in the absence of values, the beauty of decay, the weathering. In the way she observes, travelling through life, she focuses on details to uncover and discover structure and to better understand time, space and distance.
In this exhibition you can see this reflected in her series of landscapes. On her travels she sees the landscape in constant transition. With photographs she documents these precious moments but, once at home, she processes these impressions in a series of landscapes in different colour spheres using small wooden left-over flooring blocks as canvas. Her point of departure is the material and her colour palette. We interpret a horizontal line as a horizon, and so these almost abstract landscapes arise.
The way she builds up series from these blocks expresses more than just a collection of images with coloured stripes. She seeks to bring colour and sphere together. To bring harmony in the diversity of impressions. The art work generates a feeling, the emotion of transition, the passing of time, the smells of nature, the colours in the air. No thing is ever the same.
May 2015
Liesbeth Schreuder, art historian

Review of exhibition 66° North in Rovaniemi by Tuula Turkki in Lapin Kansa, 13 September 2014.

Kunstwandelroute Hummelo
Catalogue of the Art Walk Hummelo (Kunstwandelroute Hummelo), on the occasion of the Landart Exhibition on the grounds of Country Estate Enghuizen. Catalogue 2014.

Cataloque, of exhibition in Juminkeko Kuhmo, Finland (January-March 2014), ISBN 978-952-5385-79-3 and cataloque Kalevala Mailart project ISBN 978-952-5385-80-9.

Interview in 'Uit in Eindhoven', October 2013, concerning 'Transit', a work periode in Artspace Flipside, Eindhoven.

Review exhibition Maisema/Landscape, during artist in residency in Kemijärvi, Finland. Koti Lappi, 5 September 2013.

Tulips & Hotels, close to home and far away.
Publication with close up photographs of tulips on hotel stationary collected during journeys all over the world. Artist book 2013.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: A4
- Number of pages: 42
- Price: € 30

Photographs of pathways in Finland and poems about walking, inspired by the Finnish epic story Kalevala. Artist book 2012.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 28 cm
- Number of pages: 26
- Price: € 30

Publication with photographs of old doors with locks and padlocks made during a journey in Toscany. Artist book 2012.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26
- Price: € 30

Cataloque mailart project Verzamelen/Collecting, 2011. Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Indian Summer
Photographs of work presented in the Nederlandsche Cacaofabriek Helmond, during 11th September till 17th October 2011
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26
- Price: € 30

Cataloque double exhibition Peninsula <> Montanus, 2009-2010. Printed by Mesure, Oudenburg, Belgium.

Review The Manitoulin Expositor
Review of exhibition in Art Galley Neon Raven in 2010 by Nancy McDermid in The Manitoulin Expositor, 24th of November 2010.

Photographs of an environmental art project with a window during a stay on Manitoulin / Neon Raven Art Gallery M'Chigeeng Canada, Artistbook 2010
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26

Synergy 2
Publication with photographs taken during a residence and exhibition in Neon Raven Art Gallery, M’Chigeeng Ontario Canada in 2010.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26

Gray’s Anatomy and Beyond
Publication with photographs of collages in which anatomy images are combined with images of history of art, archetypes and symbols. Artist Book 2009.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26

Synergy Eindhoven-M’Chigeeng
Publication with photographs taken during a residency and exhibition in Neon Raven Art Gallery, M’Chigeeng Ontario Canada in 2008.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: Dutch
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26

Enter, a world of doors 2007
Publication with photographs of doors, made during journeys between 2004 and 2006. ISBN 978-90-811726-1-5.
- Text: Miranda Vissers
- Language: English
- Size: 21 x 21 cm
- Number of pages: 26
- Number of copies: 100
- Price: € 15