work work work work work work work work

Miranda Vissers

The Hague, 1956
Lives and works in Leende, The Netherlands

Artist in residence

2024Cove Park, Cove, Scotland
Studio Aphorisma, Florence, Italy
2023Cove Park, Cove, Scotland
Leon Adriaans Stichting, St. Michielsgestel
2022Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Kakslauttanen, Finland
Utopa huis, Gorredijk
2021Kemijärvi Sculpture and Culture Foundation, Kemijärvi, Finland
2019Kemijärvi Sculpture and Culture Foundation, Kemijärvi, Finland
2015Fundación Cultural Knecht-Drenth, Alicante, Spain
Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada
2014Kemijärvi Sculpture and Culture Foundation, Kemijärvi, Finland
2013Kemijärvi Sculpture and Culture Foundation, Kemijärvi, Finland
Artspace Flipside, Eindhoven
2012Drake Art Centre, Nordic School of Art, Kokkola, Finland
Kolin Ryynänen, Arts Council of Karelia, Koli, Finland
2011Milkwood Gallery, Cardiff, United Kingdom
2010Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada
2008Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada


2024HOEZO, geen vrouwen in de kunst (group), Museum de Kantfabriek, Horst
Saison 2024 (group), Skulpturen Garten Brander Strasse, Rösrath, Germany
6x6x2024 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
Miniatuurquilts (group), Quiltersgilde, Broodfabriek, Rijswijk
Herinneringen (solo), Het Stroomhuis, Neerijnen
Geleend Landschap (solo), HAWAR-gallery, Oldeberkoop
A Journey to Pohjola (solo), Juminkeko, Kuhmo, Finland
2023Een wereld van kleur (solo), Het Weefhuis, Zaandijk
6x6x2023 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
Miniatuurquilts (group), Quiltersgilde, Broodfabriek, Rijswijk
Verwondering (group), Steekplus in Kunstgilde Heuvelrug, Leersum
Lapland Reminiscence (solo), 't Oude Raadhuis, Beek en Donk
Boek&Bos (solo), Artspace Dommeldal, Mierlo
100 Days of Amazing Textile Art , Textile Curator, online exhibition
2022Visitekaartjes (group), Gallery Paterswolde, Paterswolde
Zonderlingen (solo), Cultuurkerkje, Winssen
6x6x2022 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
Upcycle Nature (group), Textiel Plus Festival, Rosmalen
Dubbelkunst (group), 't Web, Doetinchem
Lichen (solo), Sarestoniemi Museum Cafe, Kaukonen, Finland
Värien Maailma (solo), Kemijärvi Cultural Centre, Kemijärvi, Finland
Een wereld van kleur (solo), Kunstzaal Dommeldal, Mierlo
Langs geborduurde wegen (group), Museum de Kantfabriek, Horst
2021Visitekaartjes (group), Gallery Paterswolde, Paterswolde
Reflectie (group), 't Perron, Heeze
Sensing Nature (solo), Gallery DNA, Deventer
Into the Woods (solo), Kemijärvi Cultural Centre, Kemijärvi, Finland
The Changing Seasons (solo), Kemijärvi Sculpture and Culture Foundation, Kemijärvi, Finland
Lichen (solo), 't Perron, Heeze
6x6x2021 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
2020Textielkunst in tijden van corona (online), Textiel Plus magazine, Alkmaar
Visitekaartjes (group), Gallery Paterswolde, Paterswolde
6x6x2020 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
20186x6x2018 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
20166x6x2016 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
20156x6x2015 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
Broken Landscape (solo), Gallery de Kunstkamer, Hoogeloon
Schetsen uit de map (group), Sidac Studio, Leiden
2014Arctic Impressions (solo), Kemijärvi Cultural Centre, Kemijärvi, Finland
66° North (solo), Värinä Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland
The Journey (solo), Juminkeko, Kuhmo, Finland
6x6x2014 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
2013Guest exhibition (group), K26-Artist collaborative, Oss
De Plek (group), Sidac Studio, Leiden
Compañeros (group), Pulchri Art Gallery, The Hague
Landscape (solo), Kemijärvi Sculpture and Culture foundation, Finland
Inspired by Kalevala (duo), Waalre Museum, Waalre
Tussenstop (solo), De Nederlandsche Cacaofabriek, Helmond
6x6x2013 (group), Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
2012Nieuw Werk (duo), Open for Art, Eindhoven
Het is wat het is (group), Gallery Montanus 5, Diksmuide, Belgium
Sommerblommen (solo), Kolin Ryynänen, Koli, Finland
Coverstory in de Etalage (solo), de Etalage, Eindhoven
Incubate (group), open source expo, Tilburg
2011Gray’s Anatomy (solo), Centre for Arts Eindhoven, Eindhoven
Indian Summer (solo), De Nederlandsche Cacaofabriek, Helmond
Cover story (solo), Vrijveld Kunst, Roermond
Verzamelen / Collecting the Mail Art project (group), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
2010Gray’s Anatomy and Beyond, vases (solo), Università degli Studi di Genova, Genua, Italy
Gray’s Anatomy and Beyond (solo), Cultural Centre de Wig, Best
Show Your Hope on Child Labour (group), Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment, The Hague
Whodunit? (group), Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD), Toronto Canada
Exposición de Din A4 (group), Museo provincial de Artes, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
Inaugural Exhibition (group), Britain Street Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Synergy 2 (group), Neon Raven Art Gallery, M’Chigeeng, Canada
Summershow (group), Gallery De Ambachtsman, Wittelte
2009Publieke werken. De Nederlandsche Cacaofabriek, Helmond
Jubileumtentoonstelling Kunstvoer (group), Artist Collaborative, Megen
Darwin in a box (group), Gallery Peninsula, Eindhoven
De zomer voorbij (duo), Gallery & Art Centre het Web, Doetinchem
Montanus <> Peninsula (group), Gallery Montanus 5, Diksmuide, Belgium
DinA4 Archivos abiertos (group), Archivo Municipal, Malaga, Spain
2008Spring is in the air (group), Gallery Peninsula, Eindhoven
DinA4 totaal (group), Stedelijk Museum, Roermond
M-fase (solo), Artist collaborative L5, Roermond
Synergy (duo), Neon Raven Art Gallery, M’Chigeeng, Canada
Kunstvoer in de oude toren (solo), Artist collaborative, Megen
2007Presentation photobook Enter (solo), Gallery Peninsula, Eindhoven


2023Bookshelf III, Stichting ARTisBook, Groningen
2022Participant contest Langs geborduurde wegen (first prize) Museum de Kantfabriek, Horst
Upcycle Nature Textiel Plus Festival, Rosmalen
Participant Weerribben Textile Festival
Participant contest Textile Plus magazine
2020Participant Textile Plus contest and online exhibition Ode aan de natuur, upcycle!
2016Contribution Ars Bioarctic/Fieldnotes Bioart society, Helsinki, Finland
2014Participant open air art event, KWR, Hummelo
Napoleon Red, landart project, Eindhoven
2012Organisation Mailart project, Kalevala, presentation in various locations Finland
2011Organisation and guest curator Verzamelen / Collecting the Mail Art project, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
2009Participant Kunstpassie 2000-zes -, De reflectie van wit, Best
Organisation Darwin in a box, Gallery Peninsula, Eindhoven
Organisation Montanus <> Peninsula, Gallery Peninsula, Eindhoven
2007Participant Kunstpassie 2000- vijf-, Schilderen in het Bos, Best


2024Exhibition (solo), Juminkeko, Kuhmo, Finland
2025Exhibition (solo), Museum Het Leids Wevershuis, Leiden
2026Exhibition (solo), Museum de Kantfabriek, Horst


2024Geleend Landschap, Vezel magazine, 44-2014-1, article
Miniatuurquilts, Quiltnieuws, magazine, 160-2024, photo
2023Vereniging Nederland-Finland 100 jaar, ISSN1556-8452, book contribution
Netjes, Vezel magazine, 43-2023-3, article
Kunst in Kakslauttanen, Aviisi 2023-1, article
2022Zonde(r)lingen, Vezel magazine, 42-2022-4, article
The seven deadly hats, Hatlines magazine, 2022-77, interview
The Changing Seasons, Aviisi 2022-1, article
Schetsboek, Kunstletters, no 19 2022, photo
2017Atlas, A colourful world of images and artworks 2006-2016, book
2015Broken Landscape, Publication exhibition De Kunstkamer Hoogeloon
Ruska Aviisi 2015-4
2014Journey, Juminkeko Publication no 108, ISBN 978-952-5385-79-3, Juminkeko, Kuhmo Finland - catalogue
Kalevala Mail Art Project, Juminkeko Publication no 110, ISBN 978-952-5385-80-9, Juminkeko, Kuhmo Finland - catalogue
Een landgoed vol kunst, Kunstwandelroute Hummelo - catalogue
2013Art for the millions, Ballustrada 27 nr1/2, 2013, Terneuzen- image in magazine
Kalevala-kunst Miranda Vissers, Aviisi 2013-2
2012Drachen, ein grosses thema im kleinformat, Das Deutsche Drachenmuseum, Lindenfels, Duitsland -catalogue
Incubate, Stichting Incubate, Tilburg-festival guide
Mailart in Koli, Aviisi 2012-3
Schooldays in Artlife, The Museum of Instant Images, Chaam - catalogue
2011Verzamelen/ Collecting, the Mail Art project, Van Abbemuseum. Eindhoven – catalogue
Nick Bantock tribute, Socrates. Canada - book
2010Show Your Hope, Foundation 80 Questions. Eindhoven - catalogue
Reflectie van wit, Stichting Cultuurpassie. Best - catalogue
2009Montanus <>Peninsula. Galerie Montanus 5. Diksmuide, België - catalogue
Gray’s Anatomy and Beyond, Miranda Vissers. Eindhoven
2008Een ontmoeting met Theo Kuijpers (Gerard van Iersel, Hans Kuijs, Bert Loerakker, Carel Blotkamp, Hugo Duchateau). Series photobooks: Miranda Vissers. Eindhoven
L5 1988-2008. Stedelijk Museum Roermond. ISBN 978 90 74154 23 9. Roermond - catalogue
2007Enter, a world of doors, Miranda Vissers. ISBN 978-90-811726-1-5. Eindhoven
Schilderen in het bos. Stichting Cultuurpassie. Best - catalogue


2021Katja Palmquist, Kaikkea vanhaa ei tarvitse hylätä, Lapin Kansa, 8th of September 2021 (interview)
Kemijärven Kalevallaiset Naiset ry. Kalevala ja teide yhdistävät, Koti Lappi, 8th of September 2021
2016Hilkka Liikanen, Perceptive observer, Rovaniemi, Finland, contribution book
Liesbeth Schreuder, Perception in colour and rythm, Eindhoven, contribution book
Ann Beam, Synergy, Manitoulin Island, Canada, contribution book
Sally Brailsford, Research parallells, Southampton, United Kingdom, contribution book
Ingrid Simons, O meu Alentejo, Eindhoven, contribution book
2015Liesbeth Schreuder, introduction Broken Landscape, 2015
2014Sirpa Nieminen, Iedere dag Kalevaladag, Aviisi (Vereniging Nederland-Finland) nummer 1 2014
Tuula Turkki, Noordelijk landschap als puzzelspel, Lapin Kansa, 13 September 2014
2013Eindhoven door de ogen van Miranda Vissers, Uit in Eindhoven, oktober 2013 (interview)
Miranda Vissers Kemijärvven taiteilijaresidenssissä, Koti-Lappi, 22 augustus 2013.
2012Het is wat het is, UT Magazine april, Pol Bonduell-ips creation nv Belgium – article
2011Eindhoven uit de Kunst, video-interview by Maria Kapteijns about mailart project Collecting, 2011
Liesbeth Schreuder, Mail Art project Collecting in de bibliotheek, Journal 54, Eindhoven, March 1st 2011 (interview)
2010Nancy McDermid. Synergy Art Show, Manitoulin Expositor, Canada 24th November 2010
2007Verily Klaassen. Bladeren door kleurrijke deuren met Miranda Vissers. Eindhovens Dagblad June 2007


2011Workshops etching, screenprint, Grafisch Atelier Daglicht, Eindhoven
2009Specialisation Monumental Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Arendonk (Belgium), with honours
2007Monumental Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Arendonk (Belgium), with honours
1999MSc Environmental Health, University of Maastricht
1999MSc Health Sciences, Occupational Hygiene, University of Maastricht